Guides on browser automation and reducing repetitive work
Puppeteer is developed for Node.js but you can also use it to automate Chrome/Chromium in Python with Pyppeteer. We'll show you how in this article, with examples like taking screenshots, downloading images, and extracting data from a web page.
Being blocked for seemingly no reason while web scraping can be frustrating. Here are five common reasons you may have been blocked and how to get around it.
Gathering large amounts of data from websites manually is inefficient and unfeasible but you can use appropriate tools to help you. Let's learn how to use Playwright in Python to scrape websites!
Selenium is often used for automating web applications for testing purposes but it is not what all it does. In this article, we’ll show you how to use Selenium for web scraping.
Filling in numerous web forms manually lacks efficiency, accuracy, and consistency. Let’s learn how to fix this by doing it automatically, using data from a CSV file with Python and Browserbear.
While XPath expressions are incredibly useful to locate an HTML element, it can be challenging to accurately navigate through complex and nested HTML/XML structures. If you’re struggling with writing XPath expressions, use this cheat sheet to prepare them effortlessly.
Using cURL in Python provides developers with a powerful combination of versatility and functionality for data transfer tasks. By leveraging the PycURL library, you can seamlessly incorporate cURL into your existing Python projects.
Not sure which automated testing tool you should use for your web application? Consider these two that are used by tens of thousands of developers around the world.
XPath functions allow you to perform various operations on XML or HTML documents by providing additional capabilities for selecting, manipulating, and extracting values from the document's nodes. There are over 20 XPath functions available and here’s one you must know.
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