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Taking Screenshots

Use Roborabbit to take screenshots of a website

Use This Task

Grab the task from the above tutorial and use it on your own Browserbear account

Jon Yongfook
Roborabbit Founder

Hey there! In this video, I'll show you how to create a simple automated task in Roborabbit to take a screenshot of a website. It's super easy and we'll start by creating a new task and going to Wikipedia. Then, we'll make it more fun by clicking on a link before taking the screenshot. We'll get Roborabbit to take a full page screenshot and run the task. It might take a few seconds, but once it's completed, we can check the log and see the video of what actually happened. The screenshot will be part of the output, which we can get via API or set the task to run on a schedule. Let's get started!

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