We have a new name! Browserbear is now Roborabbit

Roborabbit Academy

Learn how to use Roborabbit to automate common browser tasks

Taking Screenshots

Use Roborabbit to take screenshots of a website

Saving Attributes

Get Roborabbit to save attributes of elements on a page

Save Structured Data

Save data from a page in a structure that you define

Loop and Save Data

Loop across multiple pages and save data from each

Scrubbing Data

Use the custom feeds feature to scrub / clean data

Paginating through Results

Navigate through multiple pages until the last page

Using Data to Power a Loop

Iterate across link data from a previous step

Using AI for Web Scraping

Use Roborabbit's AI features to extract data from multiple pages

Start a Free Trial

Start a free trial with 100 Credits,
no credit card required